Message from Molly

Molly's Picture

Molly, Canine Co-Therapist

Molly, my Cavalier King Charles side-kick, who comes to work with me every day, came to me in my dream one night and told me she wanted her own column in my newsletter to share her wisdom.  I will share some of that wisdom here as well.

Molly’s most recent message was:

“Please honor the Wisdom & Guidance we (“pets”) share with you and do not dismiss our behaviors or minimize their importance.”

Molly asked that I give you a recent example. As part of my Path to manifesting abundance, I was Guided to “avoid useless talk,” which is not just gossip, but also watching TV that is “meaningless”. My habit had been to watch an hour or two of TV after returning from work each night before going to bed. Molly went along with this plan until my Guidance suggested this new path. Then, when I was not heeding the advice to change, Molly took it upon herself to go upstairs to bed earlier each night, trying to lead by example – and then she’d return to me and encourage me to come up with her. She went as far as to engage in what I experienced as “annoying behaviors” in order to gain my compliance. I resisted – to the point of putting up a gate preventing her from retiring early! At that point, I realized the degree of my stuck behavior and relented to the Guidance of the Angels – through Molly. Since then, I am enjoying spiritual reading at bedtime and not only is abundance flowing more smoothly, but since I have been in a more spiritual space during my sleep, my dreams have been providing supreme Guidance in exchange for my cooperation! Thank you, Molly & angels!

What are YOUR pets guiding you to do? Get out and enjoy fresh air? Take more breaks? Be joyful & playful? Molly suggests we Listen to their Wisdom instead of minimizing their behaviors.  They Know! They can be a Divine Connection.

What messages has your pet shared? How did they get you to listen?

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2 Responses to Message from Molly

  1. TN says:

    Our cat often teaches me about unconditional love and acceptance.

    • Yes. Our pets are often an ongoing lesson in how to love unconditionally and without judgment. Maybe that’s why so many of us choose to keep pets. It’s an important lesson that cannot be repeated too often.

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